If I ask you about a list of 5 thing, you would not leave your home
without..I am pretty sure, one of them would definitely be a smartphone!! but
then what would would a smart phone be without a good, speedy internet
connection? Imagine having an I phone 6 plus with achingly slow internet
speeds.. frustrating is not it? I remember reading a post on facebook that said..
" If you want to judge
somebody's true nature, had them over a phone with a slow net connection"
Funny but true.. let us accept
guys, technology has taken over and many of us are actually even getting a lot
of work done, on the go through our smartphones, tablets and Ipads, speed is
the need of the hour. You need to submit a project by the end of the day and
your internet ditches you? What to do? Well,we have a good news!! Airtel has
officially launched it's 4G internet today with a television commercial and
other mass media tools wherein, two girls are competing against each other to
decide whose internet network works faster..clearly, Airtel wins. The site bets
on the notion that the network speeds of Airtel 4G are unbeatable!!
Watch this commercial on youtube, if
you have not already..
Hmmm contemplating that it would
seriously mess up with your budget, if you use 4G.. Well, it would not. You are
practically getting 4G internet surfing speeds t the cost of 3G with Airtel.
Visit http://www.airtel.in/4G for full length
details of the various data plans available.
So, what are you waiting for guys?
o explore the world of 4G.. All you need is a 4G sim that will be home
delivered to you, free of cost by Airtel . You can drop in a request on the
website link given above for a brand new 4G sim card. You just need to have an
active 3G data plan and you are good to surf your way through the internet at
amazingly fast speeds!!

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