Sunday, June 15, 2014

9 Real Health Benefits of Jogging

Health Benefits of Jogging
I really like people who take care of their body and put efforts in maintaining their fitness. And when we talk about fitness, jogging is the first and basic work out or exercise which comes in our mind. Jogging is the most common and easy exercises we know. It not only helps in maintaining your over all fitness but there are various other health benefits associated with it.
Health Benefits of Jogging

The top 9 health benefits associated with jogging are as follows:

1- It improves cardiovascular fitness
2- It boosts your blood health by lowering your blood pressure
3- It reduces the risk of chronic disease
4- It strengthens the bones
5- It improves the mental fitness
6- It promotes weight loss by burning calories efficiently
7- It promotes stronger immunity
8- It improves your sleep quality
9- By jogging regularly, your life expectancy is increased

image source - pinterest


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