Sunday, June 15, 2014

15 Benefits of Cinnamon Oil Everyone Must Know About

Health benefits and Uses of Cinnamon Oil
Health benefits and Uses of Cinnamon Oil
Cinnamon Oil is very common in India. It can easily be found in the market. Cinnamon oil is power-packed with medicinal properties. It has been used to make many ayurvedic medicines too. Check out the list of health benefits and used of Cinnamon Oil. You will surely feel amazed to know so many benefits and uses of Cinnamon Oil.

Cinnamon Oil

1- It is great mouth freshener
2- It helps in fighting cold and flue
3- It helps aids digestive problems
4- It helps aids respiratory problems
5- It helps in preventing skin infections
6- It purifies blood
7- It is assists in treating heart disorders
8- It is anti-bacterial in nature
9- It is anti-microbial too
10- It is a great brain tonic
11- It is good for proper blood circulation
12- It is a natural blood purifier
13- It is anti-inflammatory in nature
14- It helps in relieving pain
15- It helps in stopping bleeding

image source - pinterest


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