Friday, September 12, 2014

These Machines In Gym can Actually Help You To Lose Weight

Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in Gym
Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in Gym
Weight loss is your goal and for that, you spend hours in working out. Either you go to a gym or you have a home gym, using the right equipments is important. Each and every machine in gym is not beneficial for weight loss.
There are very few machines that are a good and promote weight loss. The top 10 weight loss machines are as follows:


Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in GYM

If your goal is to lose weight, treadmill have to be apart of your daily workout regime. Treadmill is the best way to burn calories. It promotes weight loss because it simulates real live movements like running and walking. The tricks to reap more benefits from treadmill are firstly, do not hold treadmills’ side handles while you run or walk on its belts. And secondly, keep up with the speed, don’t allow yourself to take it easy and rest on it while working out.

Stationary Bicycle

Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in GYM

Though nothing can compete with outdoor cycling in the fresh air, but stationary bicycles are also not less than any wonder. You can ride them in your balcony, gym area, room or veranda. These bicycles are one of the best machines for weight loss. Stationary Bicycle is built to burn fat as well as mimic outdoor ride.

Rowing Machine

Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in GYM

Rowing machines are truly wonderful. They help to get the best of your cardio and weight loss program. The flywheel which is present in the front of the machine mimics the dynamic resistance of a boat gliding on water. It is a perfect machine to burn calories and loose weight.


Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in GYM

StepMill is similar to treadmill. It is like a fast moving escalator. This machine stimulates climbing stairs with speed. It is considered as the hardest piece of cardio and weight machines and is very effective too. Step Mill will make you move against gravity so you have to bear most of your bodyweight. It is no doubt one of the best machines for weight loss.

Vibration Exercise Machine

Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in GYM

This is one of the latest machines for weight loss. It a stunning and cutting edge vibration exercise machine which is especially design to lose weight. It encourages cellulite reduction which results into weight loss.

Ab Roller Machine

Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in GYM

Ab roller is a unique and light weight machine which is suitable for indoor abdominal exercises. This tones the muscles of stomach and waist which helps to reduce extra weight and provides a fit and thin body.

Gym Ball

Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in GYM

Gyna ball is a wonderful product which is easily available in the market. Gym Ball allow you to work out in effective manner without making you run those extra miles to the gym. Gym ball works best on the back and abdomen and is great equipment for stretching your body. You can lose weight by this gym ball.

Morning Walker

Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in GYM

Now you don’t have to worry if you miss your daily walk routines. Morning walker is a perfect solution to mimic the real walking sessions. It is equipped with DC motor and infra red vibrations which help us build a fit and healthy body. Morning walk is the lightest form of exercise for weight loss. And with morning walker, it becomes much easier and time saving.

Stepper Machine

Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in GYM

This machine is ideal for weight loss. Stepper Machine targets our legs and abs in a very effective way. Stepper machine is a easiest way of burning calories and strength training workout which tends to build upper body strength while helps you in loosing weight.

Inversion Table

Top 10 Weight Loss Machines in GYM

This is a very unique and different machine. This table looks like a sea-saw. You need to lie down on this inversion table and it starts to work on. It is ideal for all body part and is good for home use. This encourages cellulite reduction in a very unique way which helps to lose weight.
image source - pinterest


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