Avocado is like a shape of
pear. This fruit is very well known for its health benefits. Avocado belongs to
Central America, Guam and Mexico. Since ages it is cultivated. In India we call
it as a Butter Fruit.
Today will share with you health benefits of avocado.
They are as follow:
Full of Nutrients
You can get 1/3rd
of daily requirement from this one seed fruit. It contains good amount of
folate, vitamin K, lots of pantohenic, vitamin C and vitamin B6.
Good amount of potassium
Avocado is very good source
of potassium. It contains 2 times more potassium then a banana. It contains
good amount of niacin, Vitamin E and riboflavin.
Contains healthy fat
Avocado contains good amount
of fats. Fats present in avocado are very important for increasing good
cholesterol. Do include this fruit in your diet to increase HDL and helps to
decrease triglycerides.
Helps to cure Cancer
Avocado contains glutathione
which is beneficial to prevent and cure cancer cells.
Consumption of avocado helps
to stop and kill the growth of pre cancerous cells which will lead to oral
cancer. Avocado fruit is also beneficial to cure prostate cancer.
Good for your baby
Avocado is full of
nutrition’s thus it is very important for your baby’s growth. Thus include
avocado in your baby’s diet.
Control blood Sugar level
Avocado fruit slows
digestion thus it helps to control blood sugar level after a meal.
Protects your unborn babies
Avocado is very good for you
and your baby. It contains 1/3rd or folate you need in your daily
diet. Thus it is good for your baby’s nervous system and brain. Thus when you
are pregnant, do consume avocado.
Good for eyes sight
contains good amount of zeaxanthin and lutein which helps in protecting your
eyes from macular degeneration related to age, thus it also improves your
Contains low pesticide level
contains a very thin skin which is very good to protect your body from
absorbing pesticides.
Reduces weight
If you eat
half avocado in lunch then you will feel less hunger or desire for 3 hours
after your lunch.
Good for fertility and sexual health
These are top 10 health benefits of avocado. If you are satisfied with
this post then do comment.
image source - google
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