We all love to enjoy
Halloween party. We all love, tricks or treating and costumes in Halloween
celebration. Today will share with you some simple and easy Halloween games.
Donut eating race
Children love to eat donuts.
At a tree branch or at sturdy rod hang several donuts with string. At count of
3, kids need to eat donuts. The one who eats donut first will win the race.
Mummy Wrap
Into 2 team divided your
party goers, and give them toilet paper roll or a fabric or a crepe paper. When
music will be played on team member must wrap those materials from their head
to toe and should leave head and arm free. Once they are completely wrapped the
muumy must run as fast as they can to finish lines before others.
Eerie Pinate
Make Pinata before party
begin and fill it with small toys and candy and decorate it as a jack o lantern
or spooky ghost. During party tell everyone to swing until piƱata breaks and
tell them to collect everything.
Mr. Skeleton Relay Race
Buy or draw simple skeleton
on cardboard and cut out each separately. This you need to do before party
begins. Make good enough so that team has all the set of skeleton parts.
Divide your party goers into
teams. At opposite end of yard or room, place the set of bones. Let each member
of team grab all the piece of skeleton when you play whistle. The team which
has all the part of skeleton is the winner.
What’s in the Bowl?
This is a classic guessing
game which is really fun to play. Take bowls and fill each bowl with pudding,
jell-o, peeled grapes or spaghetti. Cover each bowl with orange and black and
tell everyone to guess what is inside the bowl when they touch.
Bobbing for Apples
Take shallow bucket, fill it
with water and add some apples and remember no hands are allowed.
Pin the Wart on the witch
Have you seen a witch
without wart? You need to put right spot at right place.
Find the pumpkin
Hide the pumpkins at your
party room and tell everyone to find pumpkin the one who find pumpkin will win
a grand prize.
Walk on the witch’s hat
This is a musical chair
Tricks and treats
Have magic words and tell
kids to guess the words.
Scarecrow building
Buy all supplies to build
scarecrow like old flannel, hay, burlap bag, shirts etc and tell kids to team
up together. They need to build scarecrow in given time.
These were few games which
can be easily performed. Have amazing Halloween party.
image source - pinterest
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