Sunday, June 15, 2014

Goodness of Coconut Water

Goodness of coconut water
Goodness of coconut water
Coconut water is delicious and healthy. No wonders many people swear by it. Coconut water has many benefits in regards to health and helps to losing weight quickly. Yes its true, believe it. Following are benefits of coconut water.

If you drink coconut water daily, this will help you to reduce your wrinkles thus has anti aging properties.

Coconut water has right number of calories to keep you going.

1 cup of green coconut water has 46 calories, thus it’s good to drink if you are dieting.

Coconut water contains very less fat and consists of natural minerals and sugars.

It has very rich potassium and magnesium and had very high number of fibers.

Due to electrolyte composition in coconut water it keeps your body hydrating.

If you regularly drink coconut water regularly then it will help you to reduce sugar carving and hunger.

Coconut water helps to flush out toxins from your body and helps to reduce weight.

If you feel thirsty, hunger or carvings for sugar next time then sip this pure water to stay healthy and fit.

image source - pinterest


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