Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Read To Know How Cucumber Nurishes Your Skin & Strengthens Hair

Skin and Hair benefits of Cucumber
Many beauty products have cucumber as a main ingredient. Cucumber is very beneficial for hair as well as for skin. Even in spas and beauty parlors, cucumber is widely used as their facial treatments to reduce puffiness and wrinkles around your eyes.
In today’s post will share few skin and hair benefits of cucumber. Cucumber is very helpful for my skin and hair. I love to rub raw cucumber slice on my face to add glow to my oily face. I hope cucumber is beneficial for you too.

Here are striking skin and hair benefits of cucumber:

Skin benefits of cucumber:

Revitalize your skin: Cucumber is very beneficial for your skin as it helps in revitalizing your skin. You can use cucumber as your facial mask. Just apply cucumber juice to tighten your skin.

Reverses skin tanning: cucumber has a mild bleaching property in it. It helps in reversing your skin tanning and helps to give you glowing and youthful skin.
Reduce puffiness around eyes: Cucumber is very beneficial in reducing your eyes puffiness. Cucumber contains caffeic acid and ascorbic acid. 

Helpful in sunburn: if you have sunburn than put cucumber slices on it to reduce the pain and to get instant relief. This vegetable naturally and genteelly treats with sub burn.

Treat with the problem of open pores: cucumber juice is very beneficial to treat with your open pores. You can use cucumber juice as natural toner for your skin. To make it more effective, mix it with tomato pulp, aloe vera gel and apple cider vinegar.

Hydrate your skin: Cucumber acts as a natural moisturizer for your skin; it contains 95% of water which helps to keep your skin hydrated. 

Reduce dark circles: Cucumber is very beneficial in reducing dark circles instantly. It contains good amount of silica which helps to fade your dark circle and rejuvenate your skin.

Benefits of cucumber for hair:

Cucumber is not only beneficial for your skin. But it is also beneficial for your hair. Let us go through few benefits of cucumber for or hair.

Strong hair: Cucumber is very beneficial in strengthening your hair. It contains sulphur, sodium, silicon calcium and phosphorus. These vital nutrients are very much necessary for strong hair. 

Reduce hair fall: Cucumber juice contains many vital nutrients required for your hair. Thus cucumber is beneficial to treat with reducing hair fall problem. Daily drink a glass of cucumber juice to control your hair fall.

Make your hair smooth and silky: Cucumber juice is very beneficial to add shine to your hair. Thus it makes your hair smooth and silky. Cucumber juice conditions your hair and thus results to manageable hair.

Friends, these were few striking skin and hair benefits of cucumber. I hope you all enjoyed reading this post. Daily consume cucumber for glowing skin and shiny hair. Have a beautiful skin and hair.

image source - pinterest


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