Saturday, April 25, 2015

9 Skin Care and Beauty Tips for Summer

skin care and beauty tips for summer
With the onset of summer the fear of tanning and sweat which causes numerous skin problems are alarming problems which tickles in everyone’s mind

With the sun shining hot and bright the harmful effect of the sun’s rays are dangerous as it can tan your skin within seconds if you are unaware and apply no skin care to prevent its effect.

The best protection in summer is using a 30+ and above SPF branded sunscreen 10 minutes before going out.

Wear a sunglass with big sunglasses which will protect your skin around your eyes as the layer of the skin below your eyes are soft which gets blackened due to the sun’s heat.

Use astringent before washing your face. The cooling and antiseptic effect of astringent will give you relief and also will help in taking out all the extra oil accumulated due to sweat.

Use facial pack of sandal and rose water which is very beneficial to nourish and soothe your skin. Sandal has anti tanning effect and rose water will pamper your skin to bring that glow and softness in summer weather.

Use lemon, mint or sandal enriched body wash which will refresh your skin and make you feel cool and fresh after your shower.

Use talcum powder which has the cooling and antiseptic treatment property preventing causing cooling effect after sprinkling.

Use creams and lotions which have oil control formula.

Scrub your skin twice a week with cucumber, yoghurt and lemon.

Wear light colored clothes which will minimize sunrays radiation to penetrate in your skin instead of dark color. Dark colored clothes tend to make you feel hotter.

Wash your face several times with cold water which will be helpful to drive away the accumulated oil and dirt.

Carry an umbrella if possible which is very effective for preventing the tanning effect of the sunrays and to kill the direct heat.


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